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Nicky Haslam Design : Luxury Design In London

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Nicky Haslam Design is a leading British interior design firm. Established by interior designer Nicky Haslam, the firm is internationally renowned for its original and glamorous interiors. If you’re looking for luxury design in London, this firm is the one to go!

Nicky Haslam Design : Luxury Design In London

© Nicky Haslam Studio

Nicky Haslam Studio is one of the worlds most distinguished and published interior design firms, renowned for original and timeless interiors as seen in Architectural Digest, Vogue, House and Garden and Elle Décor.

Nicky Haslam Design : Luxury Design In London

© Nicky Haslam Studio

The firm’s work is seductively glamorous, layered with an historical knowledge and an originality but always achieving pratical and livable spaces.

Nicky Haslam Design : Luxury Design In London

© Nicky Haslam Studio

The mix of the deeply serious and impressive design with charm, is the NH Design trademark. Clients have included, among hundreds, Ringo Starr, Mick Jagger, Rod Stewart, Bryan Ferry, The Mandarin Oriental Hotel Hong Kong and many others.

Nicky Haslam Design : Luxury Design In London

© Nicky Haslam Studio

The NH Design visual signature has been placed on a nightclub formerly in the Dorchester Hotel London, the salons for the dress designers Bellville-Sassoon and The Emanuels (the dress makers of the Lady Diana’s wedding dress) and the Lichfield suite at the Mandarin Oriental in Hong Kong.

Nicky Haslam Design : Luxury Design In London

© Nicky Haslam Studio

With a fabric line and national as well as international design projects on the table, Haslam is continuing the tradition built over the past 38 years at NH Design.

10 Top Interior Design Studios In The UK You Need To Know banner 728x90 2 FM Architettura – Luxury Design In Italy banner 728x90 2

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